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The challenge behind RAAM is not just the hard training before the race. Nor the six hours cycling on and off, day and night for 9 days through cold, heat and rain with the threat of tornadoes. The real challenge for the team goes beyond the Race Across America. We want to demonstrate that age is irrelevant. It is never too late to start exercising and building fitness for a happier, healthy future.

Our original team leader Eddie Brocklesby - the UK's oldest female Ironman triathlete - founded the charity Silverfit in 2013. Silverfit is an exciting, rapidly expanding charity led by older people for older people. It aims to promote happier, healthier ageing through physical activity and at the same time combat social isolation. Silverfit's formula sandwiches socialising / exercise / socialising, increasing activity levels and helps people make new friends, feel more confident and enjoy life as they age.

The JSNT Legends will be fundraising for Silverfit during RAAM 2024.

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